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SimpPins News


hank scorpio

Wait, who was wearing the Hank Scorpio Pin? 😱

So I was recently tagged in a photo on Twitter, and I know it sounds cheesy but I felt such a sense of pride to see one of The Simpsons editors reppin' our Hank Scorpio Pin.   Chris Ledesma, one of the editor of Simpsons (edits the music on every single episode) was pictured with our pin. Thanks for the support Chris ❤️   Final dub underway for #TheSimpsons WABF13 LOOKING FOR MR. GOODBART, airing this Sunday on FOX. @SimpPins #HankScorpio #zoomcloser — Chris Ledesma (@mxedtr) 26 April 2017    Check out his Twitter here: Chris Ledesma and our Hank Scorpio pin can be found by clicking here! 

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