About us
Pins serve little purpose, from an outside view they're pointless. But, for the pin-wearer/collector enamel pins are part of crafting a new cultural identity full of nostalgic pop culture references, mash-ups and collaborations and memes given physical form.
You can tell a lot about a person from their pin board. Each pin crafts a different aspect of the pin owner. As a pin-maker/designer I aim to make the pins that will enable each and every purchaser to express themselves through our wearable art.
SimpPins is the result of the creation of wearable art.
Have a chat with us on our Facebook page here, check out our Instagram or drop us an e-mail at info@simppins.com or simppins@gmail.com (gmail is my primary email)
You are our number one priority so feel free to share ideas, chat or request products by sending us an e-mail, message or chat.
See you guys,